Sunday, August 7, 2016

Blue Juice Comics

Website: Blue Juice Comics

Style Classification: Company Outgrowth

Notable Works: The Accelerators; Anne Bonnie; Aether & Empire


This is the first use of this specific classification, something I'm calling "Company Outgrowth." I think that there is a better name for the kind of content this company produces, but for now it'll stand.

The motivation behind the classification: Founded in 2012, Blue Juice Comics is an outgrowth of the film production company Blue Juice Films. The three titles they produce aren't so much created by a company looking to produce already realized content created by outsiders, nor are the three titles sprung from a single person's imagination and all coexist in a tidy cohesive universe.

Blue Juice Comics is the result of people who love comics trying their hand at it.

Blue Juice Films doesn't make major block busters, rather they make and work on (in collaboration with other studios) documentaries, music videos, and animated productions. "Living the dream" they call it down here in the Southland.

Anne Bonnie stars the titular young girl pirate and swashbuckles. Aether & Empire is their newest title and is described as "Victorian sci-fi steampunk space adventure."

The Accerlerators is their founding title and follows reluctant time-travelers who find themselves stuck in a future where time machines are normal but dangerous.

Only three titles, and each one seems completed with excellent execution.

Special Status: SOLID COMPANY

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