Saturday, February 1, 2020

"Bathroom Face"

This may be a little gross.

I used to "sell" old comics of mine in my classroom, but not for money, for fake, earned Sherbux. Upon hearing this, my mother would purchase Ebay lots of comics on the cheap and send them to me, to add to my market supply.

Anyway, I occasionally take them to my boy when I go pick him up from daycare, and recently I brought him a SHINY issue:

Is it hard for you to read the title? It was/is for me. Stygmata is the name, and Entity was the publisher. The cover is some kind of gold foil, and after thumbing through the first few pages, the saturated watercolors made me thing it should be okay for the car ride home for my son.

The title turns out to be more religious than I was thinking, and despite the hero/main character, Stygmata, his appearance had my three-and-a-half year convinced he was a badguy.

Since then, after noticing the, er, early-career work of the artists and the generic xenomorph actual badguy, my son and I joke that this dude has only one face: pooping face:

Over and over, pooping face.